Mission and vision
The ultimate mission of the school is to support the nation by generating highly skilled sustainable human resources.
To promote an excellent teaching and learning environment where an individual can develop himself/herself as responsible Manager, Leader and Entrepreneur who can use maximum resources available around.
To create youngsters as competitors of the 21st century maintaining our tradition, culture along with their values.
Primary Level
The primary level includes standards 1 to 5 according to the policy of the Nepal
Healthy mind dwells in healthy body.
The school encourages children to keep themselves and their belongings neat and clean both at school and at home in order to enjoy good health. Aware of the fact that a healthy mind exists in a healthy body, the school provides proper sanitation system with clean Kitchen, cafeteria drinking water, wash areas and toilets.
Secondary Level
The third level includes grades 6, 7, and 8.9 & 10. At the end of the level, our students
will appear in the Basic Level Examination.
A glimpse of Montessori education at Nabin
The school has developed a Montessori-based Infant and Toddler Programme (MITP) for pre-primary children. It has fully concentrated on children’s physical, mental, emotional, and social growth including their basic needs. It habitually teaches to use play materials, playground, garden, toilet, and kitchen basins properly and independently. The child-friendly setup and well-trained teachers and assistants significantly contribute to inculcating moral values, confidence, love and respect, etc. in the tender minds of the children.
+2 level
Standards 11 & 12 level are classified as High School level. The students will appear in the +2 examination at the end of this level and the horizon for the University will be opened for them.

Established in 2033 BS with the active participation of local education lovers, social workers, intellectuals, and parents, Nabin Audhyogik Kadar Bahadur Rita Sec School is located on the banks of the river Tilottamma under Butwal Sub-metropolitan Ward No. 11 Devinagar, well known as an educational city. It has earned a reputation as the best community school in town.
Notice Board
Chairman & Principal

Dear Parents/Students,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you at Nabin Audhyogic Kadar Bahadur Rita Secondary School. I feel proud to say that the school is devoted to prepare skilled manpower to the nation as per the demand of the 21st century. The school gives priority to classrooms and Chairman lessons carefully planned in order to optimize learning and to ensure that students acquire the skills of inquiry, observation and experimentation. It has been established aiming at producing such a resourceful manpower in the society, who can lead our nation to the international forum. Our concern is to produce qualitative manpower to fulfill the short term and long term needs of the nation. We aim to motivate students in learning through ample practical classes so that the weak students can come to the average, the average to the competent and the competent to the outstanding. So, we are furnished with facilities required for the development of the potential of the students. We always believe in vocational education more than the theoretical one. We cordially invite you to visit our school and observe the environment so as to decide whether or not it is appropriate to pursue education in peaceful environment with basic facilities. At last, I would like to assure you that the students enrolled here will achieve the qualitative education to compete against the emerging challenges of global world. Thank You

Respected all,
It is such an honor to ensure that my hands and heart are always extended for the betterment of the school through my life. As per the demand of the 21st century, we provide Technical Education through Civil Engineering and General education through Science, Management, Education and Law. Technical Education produces technical manpower which helps to enhance technical development of our nation. We believe in producing capable manpower, who will be able to compete in commercial and technical market of the world. We have well educated, highly dedicated and experienced teaching faculties. We have provided all types of facilities here such as equipment for Civil Engineering classes, advanced Computer Lab, Library, well managed Cafeteria, Internet, clean Drinking Water facility etc. We assure you to provide quality education along with global culture. Sophisticated infrastructure, contemporary learning environment, schemes and plans are launched to ensure the future of each student here. Therefore, respected parents, guardians and students, we would like to request you to grab the golden opportunity. Thanking you.

Awards & Recognition
राष्ट्रिय शिक्षा पुरस्कार प्राप्त गर्ने अध्यक्ष / प्र. अ एवं अन्य सदस्य एवं शिक्षकहरु:
पद | नाम थर | साल |
अध्यक्ष | श्री कदर बहादुर रायमाझी | २०५७ |
प्रधानाध्यापक | श्री कुसुम कुमारी कुवँर | २०५८ |
अध्यक्ष | श्री कदर बहादुर रायमाझी | २०६१ |
प्रधानाध्यापक | श्री प्रेम बहादुर वस्नेत | २०६४ |
शिक्षक | श्री जीवराज पन्त | २०६५ |
वि.व्य.स.सदस्य | श्री मायादेवी दर्नाल | २०६७ |
शिक्षक | श्री सन्तोष पछाई | २०६७ |
अध्यक्ष | श्री कदर बहादुर रायमाझी | २०६८ |
स. प्रधानाध्यापक | श्री रोमनाथ घिमिरे | २०६८ |
शिक्षक | श्री इवराज तिवारी | २०६९ |
वि.व्य.स.सदस्य | श्री सी.पी.शर्मा(महामहिम राष्ट्रपतिज्यूबाट जनसेवाश्री विकास रत्न) | २०७० |
वि.व्य.स.सदस्य | श्री नारायण प्रसाद भट्टराई | २०७० |
प्रधानाध्यापक | श्री प्रेम बहादुर वस्नेत | २०७१ |



Computer Lab

Science Lab

Engineering Workshop

Pure Drinking Water
International School Award
British Council Nepal awarded International Schools Award to 19 schools in Nepal and reaccredited four schools at their award ceremony held on 26 June, 2018. This award is endorsed by the Department of Education and this is the 6th year that Nepali Schools are being awarded through this programme.